Tuesday 22 November 2011

Location for filming

Location one.

This is a very typical urban setting, it is woodland based but very much tampered with by youths and modern technology by the graffiti and electrisity pylon. This location is in rosehill and is a five minute walk away from school, no one owns this location it is a public place mainly used by youths. It can work very well for a Thriller genre of film as it is very quiet and secluded from the people around. It is very private and when dark can be eerie and can be very easily be used for a stalking sequence in which the victim cannot see his/her stalker.

Location two.

This is a very ceal urban setting. It is an quiet estate and not many people are around, it's not private property and we can freely film there as long as we don't film anyone else around. It's in sutton and from school takes about 15 - 20 minutes to get there by bus. This in the dark would be very good for a Thriller film as there are alot of quiet, dark corners people can hide and watch from. The feeling of being watched is a big theme in Thrillers because to someone who is walking through somewhere like that at night and feels as though they are being watched can be a scary prospect.

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