Monday 23 January 2012

Assessment 23/1/12 MCU


- A good attempt to make your posts supervisual. The inclusion of clips from your film is a good idea. This could be further developed into a mini documentary with voice over, which would be an excellent way to work towards level 4.
- SPAG is good.
- All four posts completed so far, but you will need to put more detail and effort into these.


- You should discuss more than just social class for representation. What about gender? Ethnicity?
- You discuss distribution when you answer Q4. You will need to do a seperate question for distribution so instead you should focus more clearly on who the audience would be for your product.
- You could further develop your Q4 by including more detail when writing about your target audience, consider also the interests of your audience. Create a profile of your 'ideal' audience member. What do they like to do? What do they buy? How often do they go to the cinema and who with?
- You need to return to your technologies post and add in more detail.

Remember you will need all your posts to be supervisual, think about how you can do this. I would like you to go beyong prezi and images, I would like you to create a voice over commentary or a mini-documentary to reach level 4.


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