Tuesday 14 February 2012

Assessment of Evaluation posts for Q. 3 and 6 (SJA Feb 14th)

  • Looking over your blog, I am pleased that you have made a really good start on the Evaluation questions Grace
  • There are some good attempts to make posts visual in some way, and your written comments show a generally good grasp of what each question requires of you
  • I really like your use of short 'grabs' from your opening sequence Grace for some of the evaluation questions
  • Your opening sequence is looking REALLY good Grace, and YOU have been to moving force behind the ideas and creativity - you should feel really pleased with how it is developing, make sure you invest lots of time in to your Evalution to reach those top level grades for your blog.
  • To improve, and ensure that standard of your work is an A grade, you should come back to your posts and continue to develop them Grace.
  • I checked Q. 3 and 6 carefully, as these were the 2 that we agreed on in last Monday's lesson. There are some developments that I'd like you to do to improve each...
  • Q. 3 on 'Distribution' does not seem to be a single post? YOu seem to have combined it with another evaluation question. I think you need to make it a post in its own right, and really explore why Miramax is the company that is best suited to distribute your film. Include screen grabs from your own sequence and compare to grabs from 'like' films to explore what the opening sequences have in common, and why your lends itself to Miramax.
  • Q. 6 - For an 'A', I really think that you need to make use of screen cast software to SHOW the daily use of technology that is involved in Media (blogger, iMovie, Live type, improting, etc, etc... screen grabs...) Show your developing skill in technology to explain how you use technology daily.
Overall effort for Q. 3 and 5: VG - with IN (improvement needed)

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