Wednesday 25 January 2012

5. How did we attract or address the audience?

Our opening sequence is dark and sinister, it straight away puts the audience in the middle of a crime scene and asks them to judge who has done the deep. Adrenaline packed films attract boys aged 16 - 24 as they are fast paced full of fighting, blood and explosions. our film is full of adrenaline and fast editing to create that feel but it also makes you think. You follow the story of a young girl, similar to 'The disappearance of Alice Creed' or 'Salt' we use a strong willed woman character to challenge the woman stereotype and appeal to a bigger audience that like films that make you think with the character. She is a teenager which most of our audience can relate to her, maybe in her personality traits or appearance. Both character in the opening sequence look out of place, for example why would a man in a nice, fitted suit be laying in a run down car park. We use this starting image to create a sense of mystery our audience will like, it's sets up the beginnings of a 'who done it' story line. It may look as if the girl has committed a serious crime but she is young. In our film you have to think and this will appeal to our audience because they become emotionally involved with the girl therefore stereo-typically emotions appeal to woman and the full adrenaline packed actions sequences within appeal to mean, making the market of our film bigger.

Our opening sequence appeals to it's target audience through typical features of a thriller. For example, quick cut editing is one of our main focuses. This is because action/thrillers are typically fast paced to draw the audience in. Also a fast paced heart beat and a eerie score creates the suspense the target audience want. we realised that men tend to watch thrillers more than women. This is shown from our questionnaire results. The results also show that thrillers appeal to men more due to their mystery, suspense and exciting story lines. Men like action. However we have challenged that strong male lead role stereotype and used a female. This is because we want to have a strong female lead like in the film 'Salt', which bought both female and male audiences together as the film appealed to both.

We have gathered audience feedback for our film. People have been giving some very constructive feedback and it shows that we have really catered to our audience our audience of 16 - 24 year olds because we asked people between this age gap.

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