Sunday 29 January 2012

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Before starting our final product we filmed a preliminary task, this is so we could look back and seen that in our final product how much we have improved. In our film there is a vast improvement in camera angels and shot types, it slowly reveals our characters and gives the audience time to ask questions about what it is that's happened and why they think these characters are there. This is a contrast to our preliminary task because you see the characters straight away and there isn't a build up. This short clip shows a few of the interestiong camera angels we have used and indicates how effective they are

This next clip shows how creative our group has been and the idea behind our film. In the preliminary task the story line was very limited but in our final task the audience have to guess what our film is about. We give no clues as to why the girl is there or why the man is laying dead next to her. This is because we are supposed to make the audience make pre assumptions of the characters and what they have done that has led up to this scene. This short clip shows the girl rubbing blood from her hands, the audience may think she has killed the man seeing as she has the blood on her hands or is it that simple...

When we made our preliminary task I was very new to the Macs and all the different programs. However now I am very confident in using imovie and editing our clips together to make our film look professional.

Overall all my media skills have been greatly improved. I find it easy now to use the camera and tripod and keeping all shots steady. We as a group work very well we use everyone's ideas and try each out to see which is best, one thing we may need to work on is getting cuts and shots to link continuously perfectly because we need our film to look professional to get the A we all hope for.

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